I wrote about this last time, but I would like to continue a little. I think we are finally going to see something that will become a part of dispiriting science fiction, such as "According to the AI's answer...", as in the previous articl…
Deep Fake: It is mainly discussed in a bad way. However, if you think about it, it may be possible to use deep faking with the person's permission. I have proposed AI before. penginsengen.hatenablog.com penginsengen.hatenablog.com penginse…
As I wrote yesterday, I think it would be a good idea to have a matching function (for those who wish to do so, of course) on Amazon so that people who are reading the same books can form a community or book group with other people who are…
Something I would love to see Mr. Elon Musk implement. I don't know if he'll do it since he's not on Facebook, but...since it's a good opportunity, why not use Twitter or Amazon (or Google as a search engine) to create a matching system? I…
A Discussion on AI and After I titled the book "After AI" as a fancy title, but it is nothing much more than a summary of what is often said in my own way. It seems that a new book has just been released that fits these times. Resistance t…
Will there be a business version of WAR or rather AIWAR?Memorandum Baseball is coming out with a variety of indicators. Not only baseball, but many other sports as well. In business, too, various statistical indicators and evaluations tied…
I'm going to stop because there is no end in sight, but it is finally becoming a matter of course to implementing AI-generated products. Now, then, what should be done about the rights there... It is time to get serious about it. In the p…
Although some engineers say that the law is behind the times, the fact is that this issue has been discussed since around 2015, reached a conclusion in 2017, and then.................. I won't repeat it as it has been mentioned above. Howe…
The convenience of Amazon ...Discussion MemorandumEdit What's convenient is that you can keep your purchase history forever... You can immediately see when you purchased it and what specs it had. Many people buy things online after seeing …
This election, which has become all the more lurid... Discussion Current Events PenguinismEditorial. Of course, I don't want to talk about conspiracy theories. The epoch-making assassination of a politician, who was shouting for a kind of …
Isn't it important to broaden the base... and academia? -A Consideration of the Japanese Language and Behavior Concerning Academia-【Essay】 I sometimes write as an outsider, but I am often bothered by the words and actions of those in aca…
AI data sharing, copyright... What do you think? Could we have a registration system like patents, with an eye toward revision of the Berne Convention? This is more in the sense of data aggregation to AI, from the perspective that it would…
Population Policy is Hard Read the Latest Issue of ForeigninEditorial. I've been a regular subscriber for... how many years now? . at least longer than I've been writing this blog. Foreign Affairs Report June 2022 | FOREIGN AFFAIRS JAPAN T…
Discussion Revival of the Great Doctoral System and Renewal System of the Doctoral SystemDiscussion Editorial. Intermittently, there is a lot of noise about university reform and education reform. To begin with, saying "education is..." fo…
Project Plateau shows that the difference between digital and real is disappearing... Project PLATEAU About Project PLATEAU by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and TourismProject PLATEAU https://www.mlit.go.jp/plateau/ It s…
To be nothing is to be something...To be nameless is to be nothing, because you have no name. I am nameless, at least to you. Just a background in the crowd. One of the many somethings that may or may not have been, just one of the many so…
In the end, the market decides the value. There are various axes of evaluation, but I guess the conclusion is that in the end, the market decides. No matter who or how one evaluates, one cannot survive without a certain degree of acceptanc…
メモ備考録記事 www.ipwatchdog.com メモ記事 いつものAI翻訳 「著作権と意匠の侵害と執行における人工知能の影響に関する研究」レポートが出たそうだ。 要約では "本報告書では、AIは著作権・意匠権侵害の検知・執行の効率を高めることができるが、犯罪目的…
"Shohei Otani in the morning, Akira Sasaki in the afternoon" "What in the world is there to see in Iwate Prefecture?" - Iwate native makes his mark in Japan-U.S. baseball (msn.com) www.msn.com One other high school graduate who's been forg…
Pooholes confirmed as a safe starter. April 8, 2022 St. Louis Cardinals vs. Pittsburgh Pirates - MLB - SportsNavi (yahoo.com) The season opener, another stellar record, and only Hank Aaron left on top. This is as far as he goes, as he is r…
Thunder's also to assert antitrust claims against MLB. According to this article. Senator Sanders "Should Look to the Needs of the People" to Remove MLB from Antitrust Exemption - MLB : Nikkan Sports (nikkansports.com) サンダース上院議員「…
Power outage somehow averted? We can't let our guard down yet. So far, however, there has been no mention of power outages in the news. It is not likely that communication will be disrupted because of the power outage. Since I have a cell …
Concerns had originally been raised... Japan's First Power Supply-Demand Alert, Calls for 22 Days of Power Saving in TEPCO's Service Area - Bloomberg 政府が初の電力需給ひっ迫警報、東電管内で22日の節電呼び掛け - Bloomberg Originally, it was…
Considering the issue of slander and freedom of expression ...www.msn.com 橋下徹氏、池袋暴走事故遺族を中傷の男事情聴取に「事後的にもっと大きな制裁を加えないといけません」 (msn.com) This time I want to consider a slightly edgier issue. Acco…
Once there's a break, you're done... This is what I mean by that. Once you stop updating daily, you stop writing. There are plenty of things to write about... Now, let's get back on track and write a rough YouTube story once in a while. It…
Barely avoiding the worst commissioner in history? MLB: Looks like the lockout will finally open. MLB] 99-Day Lockout Ends, Players' Association Accepts Organization's Proposal 26-12, Opening Day Set for April 8, Japan Time (MLB.jp) 【MLB…
Striving to be the worst commissioner in history Mr. Manfred, it has finally been confirmed that the season cannot be played in 162 games. How many games can he play? No. Can they open the season... MLB Opening Day Rescheduled Commissioner…
In conclusion, it would be difficult. However, it is possible that penginsengen.hatenablog.com As I wrote in the previous section, it is not appropriate for the MLB organization to have a monopoly on the highest level of baseball. A compet…
MLB Commissioner Manfredo, I think you have to resign. The flames are familiar Manfredo, Commissioner of the MLB Organization. There have been numerous flame wars in the past. MLB Commissioner Manfredo Manfredo under fire, smiles at postpo…
Postmodern Wordplay What Leads to a Certain Demise Rasputin for Czarist Russia Putin for the Russian Federation I(Ching), have created the Chinese Empire `N" stands for Japanese. The "" stands for everything. Any reductions starting wit…