Will there be a business version of WAR or rather AIWAR?

Will there be a business version of WAR or rather AIWAR?
 Baseball is coming out with a variety of indicators.

 Not only baseball, but many other sports as well.

 In business, too, various statistical indicators and evaluations tied to them are flourishing, especially in the United States.

 Google, for example, is famous.

 Of course, there is a lot of criticism



Over-Measuring--Why Performance Evaluation Fails
Over-Measuring--Why Performance Evaluation Fails

Author: Jerry Z. Muller
Misuzu Shobo
 There are criticisms of this kind.


 But, in time, there may be a business metric that will be used to determine how profitable the overall metric is compared to the replacement personnel available in the marketplace, like WAR in baseball.


 And more than that, there may be an AIWAR that shows how much profit or not, or how much other value is being provided compared to AI.






 That may raise some criticisms...

 It may become a useful indicator to consider whether AI can be replaced or not....