
もう一度まとめて AI著作権

もう一度まとめよう 旧政府見解 https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/singi/titeki2/tyousakai/kensho_hyoka_kikaku/2017/johozai/dai6/siryou4.pdf 内閣府知的財産戦略推進事務局「AIに関して残された論点(討議用)」平成29年2月28日 p.2 これが一度登場した重要…

Finally becoming a matter of course to implement AI generated products.

I'm going to stop because there is no end in sight, but it is finally becoming a matter of course to implementing AI-generated products. Now, then, what should be done about the rights there... It is time to get serious about it. In the p…

AI copyright

Although some engineers say that the law is behind the times, the fact is that this issue has been discussed since around 2015, reached a conclusion in 2017, and then.................. I won't repeat it as it has been mentioned above. Howe…


出ましたね おそらく将来的にネットのほとんどの画像がAI製になるので、「このイラストは人力で描かれ著作権のある画像かもしれない」と考える人はいなくなるだろうし、そうなると著作権という概念自体がだいぶ危機的である — 柞刈湯葉(牛球電子版出たよ) …