Series of books "Thinking about the System

Series of books "Thinking about the System


NTT出版 叢書≪制度を考える≫ | 仮想制度研究所 VCASI

 This is a series of books based on the hyper-disciplinary activities of the late Masahiko Aoki, one of Japan's closest Nobel laureates in economics. I was surprised to find a book still in preparation, although the active period ended more than 10 years ago.


 As the name suggests, it is a very multifaceted study on what is an institution? Most of the books are already out of stock, and some of them are priced at more than three times the list price on Amazon.

 Fortunately, Mr. Aoki's books are still available, and Greif's books are now available in paperback, making them easier to buy. In particular, it is great that there is a good selection of books on the Chinese economy.


 I still think that this series of books is indispensable when considering institutional research.


 The other day, I wrote about the possibility of integrating game theory and case law interpretation. This is how litigation occurred and how it turned out. And since precedents have a certain binding power (not only legally, but also indirectly to the jurists who try to understand the system based on precedents, and eventually to the individuals here), they should also have a long range, including a certain soft law element.

 If these analyses can be done, we can go on to understand the system, how rational individuals move to exploit the gaps in the system when the system is in operation, and how the system is corrected in such a situation, or how it moves according to case law without correction. I think it is possible to conduct research with a very long range.


 That's just my opinion....